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Adoption fees are waived as the shelter population hovers at over 900 pets

Montgomery County Animal Shelter IS BEYOND FULL. 80 pets entered MCAS yesterday. The shelter now has over 900 dogs, cats, puppies and kittens at the shelter. Adopters and fosters are desperately needed. To help, MCAS has waived adoption fees indefinitely.

MCAS is committed to saving lives and making sure each pet has the best chance at finding a loving home - but we can’t do it without the community's help. We are asking everyone to pull together to save the lives of Montgomery County's pets.

MCAS is located at 8535 Hwy 242 in Conroe, TX. The shelter is open 6 days a week for adoptions: Tues-Sun 11:30-5pm (adoptions end at 4:30pm) and is closed Mondays.

Below are links to some of the dogs and cats at the shelter. You may also visit to search for pets. However, we strongly encourage anyone even remotely interested in adopting or fostering to visit the shelter as soon as you are able.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: FOSTERS may contact Courtney at 716-713-1339 or RESCUES contact Catherine at 281-723-0185 or VOLUNTEERS may contact Macheal at

In addition to needing help with shelter animals, we need help keeping animals OUT of the shelter. Here's what you can do:

Found a lost dog? Please try to find the owner prior to bringing the dog to the shelter. Vet offices or pet stores can scan for a microchip. Post flyers in the location where the dog was found. Post on social media "Lost Pet" sites, or neighborhood groups.

Found kittens? Please give mom 24 hours to return to her babies. Moms will often leave their babies to go hunt or search out other living arrangements and will return to get them.

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