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Donate to help MCAS as we assist evacuees and their pets

Thank you to all of you who have donated supplies or volunteered at the pop-up shelter at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. The outpouring of community support has been unbelievable and we couldn't do this without you. Many of you have been asking how you can make monetary donations. Please donate at Funds will go directly to MCAS.

Right now we are set on cat and dog food and puppy pads though we will reassess in the next day or two to determine if more items are needed. We are in need of BLOWER FANS to keep moisture out of the building. Extension cords would also be helpful.

Volunteers: If you've gone through the MCAS orientation, please feel free to check in at the Fairgrounds. We are looking for help in the following time blocks: 8-11, 12-3, 3-6, and 6-8. At the offsite we are asking that dog walkers be 18 years old and wear their green volunteer shirt. If you haven't attended an orientation at the shelter they are looking for help at the horse stables at the Fairgrounds as well.

Please feel free to join us for a volunteer orientation tentatively set for this Saturday at 10am at the Fairgrounds at 9333 Airport Rd., Conroe, TX 77303.

Thank you again. Please check often for updates.

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