Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Fostering Pets
Montgomery County Animal Services
8535 Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385
Rescue Organizations
Application & Approval Process
To become an approved rescue group with MCAS, you must complete and submit a Rescue Group Application to mcassist@mctx.org.
Provide proof of your organization’s 501(c)(3) status. The rescue group must provide MCAS with written proof of its current Federal Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3), non-profit or not for profit status prior to any animals being released by MCAS to the rescue group.
Provide a copy of your organization’s mission statement, adoptions standards, contracts, and spay/neuter policies.
Provide profile data, including a list of individuals authorized to tag/pull animals on behalf of your organization.
Submit the contact information for veterinarians the rescue group uses. MCAS may conduct reference checks on your organization.
**Please note: The approval process may take a week or more to process. The length of time varies depending on current workloads and staff.
Rescue Group Requirements
Adopters should be given full disclosure of any health issues, including heartworm status. Adopters must also be given a medical record when adopting.
Animals must be housed in facilities that will be clean, parasite and disease free. Animals will be contained in a secure, safe and humane manner. Animals will not be allowed to run loose.
Fresh water must be provided and in sufficient amounts. Animals must have access to water at all times. The water should be clean and be provided in a sanitary manner. Furthermore, animals should be fed the appropriate amount of quality food to maintain health.
Animals must be altered before adoption. The animal may not be bred or allowed to breed for any reason prior to being spayed/neutered.
Animals that are believed to be unsafe in temperament or behavior will not be placed with adopters. To the extent known by MCAS and the rescue group, adopters will be given full disclosure of any temperament issues.
The animal will not be neglected, abused or otherwise treated poorly or cruelly. Animals will not be subjected to any experiments.
The animals will not be used as an attack or guard dog.
The animal will not be part of any animal fighting.
Rescue groups that pull animals from the shelter are responsible for the disposition of those animals according to these requirements.
Rescue group participants must conduct themselves in a professional manner and will be responsible for the behavior of their volunteers while interacting with shelter personnel in the shelter and on all social media platforms.
All rescue groups must abide by all policies and procedures set forth by MCAS.
Click here to download the rescue organization application packet.
To contact the rescue coordinator email: rescue.coordinator@mctx.org