Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Fostering Pets
Montgomery County Animal Services
8535 Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385
Owner Surrender
Making the decision to give up your pet can be a difficult one. If you have been considering a new home for your pet due to behavioral or other issues, please visit our Pet Care Tips page prior to making that decision for helpful tips.
Because kennel space is limited, we strongly encourage residents to exhaust all other means of finding a new home for your unwanted pets. Talking with friends, family, coworkers, placing an ad, and posting flyers are good ways to let people know you're looking to re-home your pet.
We are partnered with Adopt-a-pet.com to assist owners in safely re-homing pets. This service allows owners to list pets on the adopt-a-pet.com website and privately rehome them. This valuable service gives owners the option to list information about the pets, meet and screen potential owners and at the same time donate the adoption fee to local shelters. Click here to get the process started now! MCAS staff is able to expand the reach of finding new placement for owner surrendered pets before coming to the shelter but please give us as much time and information as possible about your pet. MCAS will continue to make every effort to find a new home for your pet(s). Please note this does not guarantee placement of your pet(s).
Please complete the Owner Surrender Request (Please note: There will be a fee connected to surrendering your pet to MCAS. We can only accept pets from Montgomery County residents excluding City of Conroe and City of Willis.) The form will be reviewed and you will be contacted. Keep in mind you can not bring your pet to MCAS until you have been contacted and we have scheduled an appointment for you.
Currently space is very limited meaning appointments for owner surrenders are limited.
The following information will be needed to surrender your pet to MCAS:
Owner Information (Name, Full Address - must show ID proof of residency, Phone Number, E-mail Address)
Pet's General Information (to include, Sex, Spayed/Neutered?, Breed, Age, Any Observed Medical Condition, Any Observed Behavioral Concerns)
Clear Picture of Pet w/ Minimal Background Distractions
Reason for Owner Surrender
Any pertinent medical, vaccination, or veterinary records associated with your pet(s).
Please be advised that owner surrendered pets become the property of MCAS immediately upon admission. As such, owner surrendered animals may be dispositioned appropriately up to and including adoption, transfer to rescue group, or humane euthanasia.
Appointments for owner surrendered pets are during our normal public intake hours only. Please note, that owner surrenders are accepted on a space-available basis ONLY. If the shelter has reached capacity or is unable to provide humane housing for your pet at the time of the appointment, you may be asked to seek alternate arrangements.
*If you have any questions please email, Shelter.Counter@mctx.org
Please do be aware that we are over capacity!
We have NO open dog runs
(March 2024)
Other Community Resources & Partners
Re-Homing Resources
Rehome by Adopt-A-Pet - https://rehome.adoptapet.com/
Get Your Pet - https://getyourpet.com/
Houston Save-a-Pet and Pet Support - https://www.facebook.com/groups/houstonadopt/
RehomeYourPets.com - https://rehomeyourpets.com/
How I Met My Dog - https://www.howimetmydog.com/
Pet Adoption Network / Rehome a Cat - https://pet-net.net/rehome-a-cat/
Houston Pets Alive Resource Page - https://www.houstonpetsalive.org/resources/
Are you moving?
Financial Pet Assistance?
The Pet Fund - https://thepetfund.com/
Red Rover - https://redrover.org/relief/
Frankie's Friends - https://www.frankiesfriends.org/apply-for-assistance-3
Shakespeare Animal Fund - https://www.shakespeareanimalfund.org/ineedhelp
Friends 4 Life - https://friends4life.org/gethelp/financial-issues/
The Mosby Foundation - https://themosbyfoundation.org/apply-for-aid/
TLC - https://texaslittercontrol.org/help-me-keep-my-pet
Pet Food Resources
Friends for Life - 2902 South Shepherd - 713-863-9835 - https://friends4life.org/
Low Cost Veterinary Resources
Texas Litter Control - https://texaslittercontrol.org/
Rayford Animal Wellness Clinic - https://rawcvet.com/
SNAP Houston - https://www.snapus.org
North Line Low Cost Veterinary Clinic - https://northlinevet.com/
Thrive Vet Care - https://www.thrivevet.com/
Owner in Hospital? Military Deployment?
PACT - https://pactforanimals.org/
Dogs on Deployment - https://www.dogsondeployment.org/
Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet - https://gafsp.org/