Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Fostering Pets
Montgomery County Animal Services
8535 Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385
Lost & Found Pet Resources
Lost Pets Tips:
Visit https://lost.petcolove.org/ Thanks to groundbreaking innovation, finding lost pets will be quicker and easier with the patented pet facial recognition technology of the new Petco Love Lost database.
Make sure to go in person to area shelters at least every other day as shelters have varying stray hold periods. They then place animals up for adoption or even euthanize after the hold time is over. Speak with shelter staff for assistance. Pictures posted online are not always good, clear pictures. Dogs can look completely different after just a day or 2 on the streets, especially if they require grooming. Going in person to look is another great way to check.
Make sure to check shelters outside of your local area as well as people tend to take animals to shelters they are familiar with.
If your pet has a registered microchip, contact the Microchip Company to create an alert/flier.
Post signs around your area.
Put a sign in your front yard in case someone is driving around looking for signs or the owner.
Check out the lost pet resources below to help in your search efforts.
Found Pets Tips:
Visit https://lost.petcolove.org/ Thanks to groundbreaking innovation, finding lost pets will be quicker and easier with the patented pet facial recognition technology of the new Petco Love Lost database.
Take the animal to a vet or shelter to be scanned for a microchip as soon as possible.
Drive around the area looking for the owner or signs.
Use the same resources as you would when searching for a lost pet to create fliers and post found pet info and pictures to help find the owner.
Please try to hang onto the dog for a few days to give the owner time to locate their dog.
As a last resort, take the animal to the local shelter to seek additional resources.
RESOURCES for Lost & Found Pets:
Local Shelters:
Montgomery County Animal Shelter - 8535 State Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385; 936-442-7738.
Conroe Animal Shelter - 407 S. Sgt. Ed Holcomb Blvd, Conroe, Tx. 77304; 936-522-3550.
Online Lost Pet Resources - Free Resources:
Pet Harbor - Most updated site for shelters' daily intakes. Choose the least specifics.
Lost Dogs of TX - Upload pictures, get a free flyer
Citizens for Animal Protection - create a flyer
CraigsList - houston.craigslist.org/laf and houston.craigslist.org/pet