Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Fostering Pets
Montgomery County Animal Services
8535 Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385

Fostering Pets
Our Foster Care Program encourages members of the community to open their homes to our animals who need out of the shelter. Fostering is one of the very crucial ways you can help animals of Montgomery County. With community members opening their homes to provide a temporary place for shelter pets, even for a short period of time helps save lives. Saving lives is a community effort and you can play a huge role.
How to Become a Foster
Application: To begin the process of becoming a foster at MCAS you must first complete a foster application. This can be done by visiting the shelter or sending an email to the foster coordinator and requesting an application. You can fill out the application online.
Meet with the foster coordinator: One you have completed the application, you will meet with the foster coordinator who can answer additional questions and help determine what your interests are in relation to fosterables.
Handbook: You will be expected to review this handbook thoroughly and become familiar with all sections.
Agreement: Upon completion meeting with the coordinator, sign and submit the MCAS Foster Program Agreement (included in the back of this handbook for your review).
Fostering: Active fosters are participants in the MCAS Foster Program who have completed steps 1 - 5 above and provided foster care for at least one MCAS animal within the past six (6) months. If more than 6 months have passed following completion of the most recent provision of MCAS foster care, the foster will be considered “inactive” and an interview with the foster coordinator will be required to resume active Foster Program participation. Fostering may be limited by MCAS in its sole discretion.
Qualifications and Requirements
The following qualifications and requirements must be met and maintained in order for an applicant to be considered eligible for active participation in the MCAS Foster Program.
Fosters must be at least 18 years of age.
Fosters must be willing to read all paperwork and go through an interview.
Fosters must be able to provide proof that their landlord allows companion animals (if applicable).
Fosters must have prior knowledge, or be willing to learn, about animal needs and behaviors.
Fosters must be able to provide essential needs including food, shelter, play and exercise time, affection, and overall ensure their health and safety.
Fosters must be willing to learn and practice techniques which support animal health and well-being.
Fosters with personal pets must have proof that their pets are spayed/neutered and are current on all vaccinations, heart-worm treatments and flea prevention.
Fosters with personal pets must have established independent veterinary care for their own animals.
Fosters must be willing and able to transport foster animals to the shelter for medical care during clinic hours.
Fosters must be able to follow medical instructions and keep track of medical records and appointments.
Fosters must be able to accept that not all animals will survive.
Fosters must remain attentive and committed to the specific outcome plan formulated for each foster animal.
Fosters must have the ability to communicate with MCAS staff regarding foster matters.
Fosters must respect all MCAS foster policies and keep all MCAS foster agreements relating to their participation in the MCAS Foster Program.
Some applicants may not eligible to participate as a MCAS foster. Some examples of why an applicant might be denied are listed below.
Inability or unwillingness to fulfill the qualifications and requirements as explained in this handbook.
Prior MCAS foster history of failing to honor conditions of the present policies, agreements, or contracts.
Household members unwilling to share the home with animals including for reasons of health or personal preference.
Refusal to return a fostered animal as requested, or releasing a fostered animal to someone without a contract or with MCAS permission.
An animal has recently died in the home due to circumstances bearing risk to the health of a foster animal.
Animal negligence or cruelty including inadequate care up to violent acts.
Appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while engaged in an MCAS foster-related activity.
Abusive or disruptive behavior toward MCAS staff at any time including on MCAS premises, at MCAS related event or even online social media.
Click here to download the foster parent application packet.
Click here to download our foster handbook.
To contact the foster coordinator email: foster.coordinator@mctx.org
Limited Foster Supplies Provided By