Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Dangerous Wild Animals Regulations
Fostering Pets
Montgomery County Animal Services
8535 Hwy 242, Conroe, Texas 77385
As the animal shelter industry continues to grow, so does the standardized collection of animal shelter data. In 2021, MCAS will continue its mission of transparency by making some changes to our statistical reporting. We will now utilize two different data sets and formulas to calculate our lifesaving percentages. In addition to the Asilomar Accords Live Release Rate (“LRR”) report we have historically posted we will also provide a new Save Rate – as each provide a different view of lifesaving.
Asilomar Accords
The Asilomar Accords uses a set of criteria, definitions and a statistics table for tracking shelter populations. Asilomar Accords Live Release Rate and a formula for determining live release rates in shelters. As the name states, the formula only accounts for animals positively outcomed by the shelter – with the exception that animals that go missing or die while in custody, or animals that are given euthanasia at the request of a relinquishing owner where the animal has been classified as “unhealthy” and “untreatable.” The LRR formula also takes into account the starting animal inventory for the reporting period as some of the animals outcomed may have been intaken prior to the start of the reporting period.
The LRR formula is: Live Outcomes/ (All Outcomes – Unhealthy and Untreatable Owner Requested Euthanasia)
Click below for MCAS Asilomar Reports:
New Updated Report
Old Report Version
Save Rate
The Save Rate, on the other hand, looks at how many animals were saved based upon the intake of animals. Unlike the LRR, it does count animals that were already in custody and does not allow for the exclusion of any outcomes. It, simply put, shows the percentage of the animals taken in that were NOT euthanized.
The Save Rate formula is: (Live Intakes - Other Outcome) /Live Intakes
Please note:
“Other Intakes” consists of dangerous dogs and animals seized by the police or the Shelter.
“Other Live Outcomes” consists of cats returned to the community by MCAS.
Click below for MCAS Save Rate Reports: